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Leadership and Management for Safety (OLD TOPICAL GROUP)

The necessity of the regulatory body to comply with the IAEA Safety Principle 3 (“Leadership and Management for Safety” states that “leadership in safety matters has to be demonstrated at the highest levels in an organization and safety has to be achieved and maintained by means of an effective management system. This system has to integrate all elements of management to ensure the promotion of a strong safety culture, recognizing the interactions between individuals, technology and organization”) and the IAEA Standard GSR Part1, Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety, Requirement 19 (“The management system of the regulatory body”: “The regulatory body shall establish, implement, and assess and improve a management system that is aligned with its safety goals and contributes to their achievement.”) for the performance of its regulatory functions and to oversight its implementation in the regulated facilities and activities and other organizations, has been increased many fold with growing number of countries embarking on nuclear power programmes. The Topical Group on Leadership and Management for Safety of the Regulatory Bodies (LMSTG) should support harmonization of management system practices among regulatory organizations and should contribute in enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency, as well as their role in promoting and maintain safety culture. Leadership & Management

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