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Regulatory Infrastructure

During the first meeting of the Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) Steering Committee in March 2004, general terms of reference (ToR) for the ANSN topical groups were defined. Within this framework, and in order to fulfil the particular objectives of the Topical Group on Governmental and Regulatory Infrastructure (GRITG), specific ToR for the GRITG was established, aiming to ensure suitable working methods and self-assessment.
At its tenth meeting in October 2009, the ANSN Steering Committee established an ANSN project management team with a view to further strengthening the work of the ANSN, by assigning an ANSN programme manager to oversee all ANSN activities and assume other general management responsibilities, as well as ANSN project management officers (PMOs) to monitor, track and manage national and regional activities. Based on the new management support functions, the ToR of the GRITG was modified to reflect the new roles of the project management officers and technical officers (TOs)
At the 14th meeting of the ANSN Steering Committee, in October 2011, a Topical Group on Management System of the Regulatory Bodies (MSRBTG) was established. It was decided to prepare ToR for this group. In accordance with the third Fundamental Safety Principle as set forth in the Fundamental Safety Principles (IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Vienna, 2006), on effective leadership and management for safety, ToR for this new group — renamed the Topical Group on Leadership and Management for Safety of the Regulatory Bodies (LMSTG) — were proposed and approved by ANSN Steering Committee at its 15th meeting in April 2012.
At the 20th meeting of the ANSN Steering Committee in November 2014, it was agreed that the GRITG and the LMSTG would be integrated into a new Topical Group on Regulatory Infrastructure (RITG) in order to further strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the ANSN’s activities. Therefore, the ToR of the RITG is developed based on the ToRs of both GRITG and LMSTG, while the management support functions of the ANSN project management team have been updated in order to enable monitoring, tracking and management of the national and regional activities of the RITG.
La Justice - Eglise St. Sulpice - Paris

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